Read the whole story of…
…Turnkey Project – Pumps, Tanks, Traps, Cleaning, Inline Inspections, Drying
We appreciate to share our knowledge and our experience with customers and business partners. Every pipeline inspection project presents new challenges and requires an adapted approach as well as individual technical solutions.
We have compiled this treasure trove of first-hand practical experience for you as a case study. There we describe our concept, our performance and the result of our ILI projects.
Pipeline Description: The challenge is to inspect an onshore hydrogen pipeline that is divided into 4″ and 10″ section, both including some sleeve connections. The age of the sections is 50 and 60 years respectively. The total length is 7.4 km and inline inspection have never been carried out. Why is it challenging? Restricted bore in 4”, unknown bend situations as well as sleeve connections makes this ILI not straight forward. A Turnkey solution was requested, including provision of: Pumps, Storage Tanks, Temporary Traps, Pipeline Cleaning, Intelligent Inline Inspections, Pipeline Drying, Express Data Analysis Reporting. Target of the inspection: Perform high-resolution geometry and metal loss inspections including XYZ measurement.
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